Private Assets Consolidation

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All your personal information will strictly be used by Creatrust for professional purposes. To access, modify, rectify and delete your data, please contact Creatrust at: 2C, Parc d’Activités – L-8308 Capellen - G.D. Luxembourg

Dedicated reporting on Family Offices and High Net Worth Individuals' assets, liabilities, returns and risks

Family Offices and HNWIs often experience difficulties when dealing with the administration of assets they hold, such as:

  • several types of asset (quoted or non-quoted, private equities, real estate, non-generating income possessions, art works, etc);

  • assets in different forms (indirect, in trust, via investment funds, in nominee through their banks, in common ownership with other family members or third parties), and;

  • in different countries (their country of residence, but also in places where they have former relations, where they were born, or where their banks have sub-custody, etc).

These factors can complicate the Family Office's administration task and prevent full transparency in respect of the valuation of assets, income, and risk. They can also hinders procedure for external parties, such as administrators, transfer agents, and be problematic for efficient reporting to legal or tax authorities. Family Offices therefore need advisors and managers who are able to provide the highest levels of service in consolidating assets and developing appropriate reporting systems.

In order to achieve these objectives, portfolio managers require instant access to client portfolios and associated market information to achieve highest asset performance and consequently enhance client wealth. Automation of monitoring, reporting, regulatory compliance and rebalancing is therefore essential.

Consolidation of assets to assist with wealth reporting

Such service can help to ensure the family office meets its wealth and asset planning objectives with direction and confidence.

Creatrust is specialised in assisting family offices alongside detailed knowledge of the sector; this includes offering guidance on income reporting, private asset reporting and other administrative services.

Full assessment for evolution and growth of wealth

Creatrust's solution to the problems faced by family offices is to provide full consolidation of assets - wherever they are held, whatever form they are in, and however they are maintained or administered.

At each applicable period, the Family Office will be able to assess the total assets managed, evolution of wealth, global return, costs/fees paid to the various counterparties and related risks linked to the portfolio. The ability to make quick, astute decisions and execute them in a volatile market will become easier and more secure.

The Family Office, or its external managers, can immediately take advantage of our sound reporting and an adapted front office investment management application.

 Private Assets Consolidation

Portfolio Management & Analytics

Rebalancing, Reverse portfolio & Simulation

Risk & Sensitivity Analysis

Performance Measurement


Market data

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One of our advisors will be in contact to discuss your requirements in further detail.

All your personal information will strictly be used by Creatrust for professional purposes. To access, modify, rectify and delete your data, please contact Creatrust at: 2C, Parc d’Activités – L-8308 Capellen - G.D. Luxembourg