Income reporting

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Assistance in the administration of income and tax reporting for family offices and HNWIs

Whether the family office members are resident or non resident in Luxembourg, or an individual is domiciled or not domiciled in Luxembourg, the tax reporting burden is one which is growing and may become a difficult exercise when a family maintains different assets across the globe.

The difficulty in meeting growing administrative obligations to tax and various other organisations is due to the reporting issues generated by the various types of assets held, such as investment companies, real estate, art collections etc.

Indeed, some countries will consider certain income as non-taxable while others will.

For instance, while one country requires reporting of income on disposal of SICAV shares by an individual resident in a different  EU country (which might consider this capital gain as not taxable), a  country may not have this requirement.

Furthermore, while some income may not be reportable if held indirectly, it could be reportable if held through a company or another entity.

The level of complexity increases over the years and family offices need a proper taylor made reporting system to keep track of these reportable incomes.

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One of our advisors will be in contact to discuss your requirements in further detail.

All your personal information will strictly be used by Creatrust for professional purposes. To access, modify, rectify and delete your data, please contact Creatrust at: 2C, Parc d’Activités – L-8308 Capellen - G.D. Luxembourg